Ghurar Al-Hikam Wa Durar Al-Kalim, Exalted Aphorisms And Pearls Of Speech Popular

  • Ghurar Al-Hikam Wa Durar Al-Kalim, Exalted Aphorisms And Pearls Of Speech
Ghurar Al-Hikam Wa Durar Al-Kalim, Exalted Aphorisms And Pearls Of Speech

This book Contains these titles:
ID book؛ point؛ Translator’s Preface؛ About The Compiler؛ Introduction؛ Parents؛ The Camel؛ The Son Of Adam (The Human Being)؛ Grandeur؛ Self-Sacrifice؛ The Appointed Time Of Death؛ The Hereafter؛ The Brother, The Friend, The Associate And The Companion؛ Good Etiquette؛ Harm And Preventing Harm؛ Eating؛ Allah And His Attributes؛ Matters؛ Enjoining Good And Forbidding Evil؛ Hopes And Aspirations؛ The Leader؛ Leadership؛ Granting Refuge To The Fearful؛ The Secure؛ Security؛ Feeling Secure From Allah’s Scheme؛ The Trustworthy؛ Trustworthiness؛ Faith؛ The Believer؛ The Human Being؛ Intimacy With Allah؛ Intimacy؛ Deliberateness And Acting Unhurriedly؛ One Who Acts With Deliberateness؛ Strengthening Oneself؛ Misery؛ Stinginess And Avarice؛ The Miser And The Avaricious؛ Taking The Initiative؛ Cold Weather؛ Righteousness And Those Who Prevent It؛ Insistence؛ The Innocent؛ Being Cheerful And Smiling؛ Sight, Observation And Insight؛ Wantonness؛ Falsehood And Assisting It؛ The Falsifier؛ The Stomach And The Private Parts؛ Early Rising؛ Weeping؛ Countries And Homelands؛ Eloquence؛ Attention؛ The Umayyads؛ Quadrupeds And Predators؛ Fabricating Lies؛ The House Of Allah؛ The Treasury؛ Trade And Business With Allah؛ The Merchant؛ Earth؛ Abandoning For The Sake Of Allah؛ Repentance And Returning (To Allah)؛ Relying On Allah؛ Reward؛ Garments؛ Cowardice؛ Diligence And Striving؛ Experience؛ The Experienced؛ Anxiety؛ Requital And Reward؛ The Body؛ Antipathy؛ Loftiness؛ Intercourse؛ Beauty؛ The Beautiful؛ Grooming؛ Moderation؛ Paradise And The People Of Paradise؛ Generosity؛ The Generous؛ Proximity To Allah؛ Neighbours؛ Hunger؛ High Rank؛ Struggle (Jihad)؛ Struggling Against The Self (Jihad An-Nafs)؛ Ignorance؛ The Ignorant And The Foolish؛ Hell Fire؛ Lovers Of The Ahlulbayt؛ The Beloved؛ Evidence؛ The Proof (Of Allah)؛ The Disproved؛ The One Who Presents An Argument؛ The Hajj؛ Rage؛ The Cautious؛ The Warner؛ War, Soldiers And Armies؛ Waging War؛ Freedom And The Free؛ The Careful؛ Greed؛ The Greedy؛ Vocation؛ The Prohibited؛ Deprivation And Frustration؛ The Party Of Allah؛ Judiciousness؛ The Judicious؛ Grief For What Has Been Lost؛ The Reckoning؛ High Regard؛ Jealousy؛ The Jealous؛ The Envied؛ The Sword And The Steed؛ Good Deeds؛ Good Turns And Benevolent Actions؛ The Good Doer؛ Physical Beauty؛ Dyslogia (The Inability To Express Oneself Effectively)؛ Fortune؛ Gaining Favour؛ Digging A Pit For A Brother؛ Spite And Malice؛ The Spiteful؛ Belittling Others؛ Verification؛ The Truth؛ One Who Is On The Right؛ The Rights Of Allah, The Most High؛ Rights Of The People؛ Hoarding And Hoarders؛ The Ordinances Of Allah؛ Wisdom؛ The Wise؛ Government And Sovereignty؛ The Ruler And Governer؛ False Oaths؛ The Lawful؛ Dreams؛ The Forebearing؛ Forbearance؛ Praise؛ The Praiseworthy And The Disgraceful؛ Muhammad (S) And His Progeny؛ Foolishness؛ The Fool؛ Tolerance؛ Vehemence؛ Abstinence [From Food]؛ Fulfilling Needs؛ Expressing Your Needs؛ How Are You?؛ The Perplexed؛ Recourse؛ Life And Being Alive؛ Modesty And Shame؛ Narration And Transmission Of Information؛ Gauging People؛ Deception And The Deceitful؛ The Servant؛ The One Who Is Forsaken By Allah؛ Muteness؛ Ineptness؛ The Loser؛ Submissiveness And Humility In Front Of Allah؛ The Foe Of Allah؛ Writing؛ Ideas؛ The Daring؛ Mistakes؛ Sincerity And Devotion؛ Sucession؛ The Caliphs؛ Disagreement؛ Good Character؛ Creation؛ Seclusion؛ Wine؛ Five Bad Qualities؛ Anonymity؛ Fear؛ Fearing Other Than Allah؛ The Fearful؛ Frightening Others؛ The Frustrated؛ Good؛ Good Of This World And The Hereafter؛ Seeking What Is Best؛ The Virtuous؛ Choice؛ The Choice Of Allah؛ Treachery And Disloyalty؛ The Treacherous؛ The Diligent And The Hardworking؛ Following Up Matters؛ One Who Turns Back And The One Who Moves Forward؛ Planning؛ Desertion And Abandonment؛ Turning Backward؛ Entrance؛ Gradually Drawing Closer To Destruction؛ Study؛ Rectification And Making Amends؛ Amicableness؛ Supplication And The Supplicant؛ The Call؛ The Guide؛ Seriously Ill؛ The Despicable؛ Loathsome Actions And Traits؛ This World؛ Remedy And Ailment؛ Alternation Of Power And Sovereignty؛ Flattery؛ Debt؛ Religion And Sharia Law؛ The Savings؛ Remembrance [Of Allah] And The Reminder؛ Vices And Those Who Commit Them؛ Divulgence [Of Secrets]؛ The Compassionate؛ Opinions And The Opinonated؛ Showing Off؛ Profit And Gain؛ Hope In [The Mercy Of] Allah And [In] Others؛ Mercy And Compassion؛ Near Relatives And Keeping Or Cutting Off Ties With Them؛ Ease؛ Restraint؛ Depravities؛ Sustenance And One Who Seeks It؛ Confiding In Others؛ The Messenger And His Message؛ Rectitude And Right Guidance؛ Being Pleased And Satisfied؛ Desire And Longing؛ Leniency And Gentleness؛ Self-Scrutiny؛ Mode Of Transport؛ The Souls؛ Peace Of Mind؛ The Intended Objective؛ Discipline؛ Restraint؛ Charity؛ Lapses؛ Adultery؛ The Wife؛ Provision؛ Renunciation Of Worldly Pleasures؛ Visiting؛ Adornment؛ Begging And Asking People؛ Question And Answer؛ Causes And Means؛ Competition؛ Prostration And Bowing؛ Prison؛ Displeasure؛ Generosity؛ Aptness؛ Mirage؛ Dismissal؛ Inward Thoughts And Feelings؛ Secret And Confidential Discussions؛ Happiness And Putting Joy In The Hearts؛ Extravagance؛ Theft؛ Aid؛ Felicity؛ The Felicitous؛ Striving And Seeking؛ Travel؛ The Envoy؛ Spilling Blood؛ The Ships Of Salvation؛ Dimwittedness؛ The Dimwit؛ Maladies؛ Calmness and Solemnity؛ The Preceding؛ Salāms And Greetings؛ Peace and Reconciliation؛ Islam؛ The Muslims؛ Submission To The Will Of Allah؛ Security؛ The One Who Surrenders؛ Forgetfulness؛ Condolences and Congratulations؛ Mien؛ Hearing and Sight؛ Listening and The Listener؛ Righteous Practices؛ Doing Wrong To Others؛ Procrastination؛ Eminence And The Eminent؛ Markets؛ Night Vigil؛ Facilitation؛ Mode Of Conduct؛ Administrative Policies؛ Youth؛ Overeating And Gluttony؛ Vilification؛ Courage And The Courageous؛ Difficulties؛ Evil And The Wicked؛ Honour And The Honourable؛ East And West؛ Polytheism؛ Partnership؛ Voraciousness And The Voracious؛ Satan؛ Being Occupied؛ The Intercessor and Interceder؛ Dissension؛ Wretchedness؛ The Wretched؛ Gratitude And The Grateful؛ Doubt And Misgiving؛ Complaining Of Distress؛ Schadenfreude؛ Consultation And Deliberation؛ Eagerness And Longing؛ Lust؛ The Martyr؛ Testimony؛ Fame And Renown؛ Grey Hair Of Old Age؛ The Followers (Shi‘a)؛ The Disgrace Of A Man؛ Patience And The Patient؛ Young Children؛ Good Health And The Healthy؛ The Chest؛ Charities؛ Truthfulness؛ The Truthful؛ Change Of Circumstances؛ The Rigid؛ Welfare Of The Believers؛ Being Dutiful With Allah؛ Reforming The People؛ Vainglory؛ Prayer And One Who Stands For Prayer؛ Silence؛ Hardships؛ The One Who Hits The Mark And The One Who Errs؛ Correctness؛ Countenance؛ Fasting؛ Giving Examples And Using Metaphors؛ Laughter؛ Suffering؛ Necessities؛ Weakness؛ Error And Deviation؛ Inner Consciences؛ Hospitality؛ Agony؛ Jubilation؛ The Way and The Course؛ Food And Sustenance؛ Feeding Others؛ Criticism؛ Obedience And Compliance؛ Obeying Commandments؛ The Tyrant؛ The Seeker؛ Matters That Are Pursued؛ The Sought After؛ Covetousness؛ Haughtiness؛ Innermost Thoughts؛ Frivolity؛ Victory؛ Injustice And Oppression؛ The Unjust؛ The Oppressed؛ Usurped Rights؛ Conjecture؛ Support؛ Precaution؛ The Exteriors؛ Lightness of One’s Burden؛ Servitude؛ Worship And The Worshipper؛ Servants؛ Taking Lessons And Examples؛ Reprimand؛ Emancipation؛ Slip Up؛ Conceit؛ The Self-Admiring One؛ Inability؛ The Powerless؛ The Derriere؛ Haste And The Hasty؛ The Denumerable؛ Readiness And Preparation؛ Justice And The Just؛ The Middle Course؛ Enmity And The Enemy؛ Apologizing And Offering Excuses؛ Dignity And Reputation؛ Cognizance؛ The Cognizant؛ Glory And The Honoured One؛ Seclusion؛ Resolve؛ Adversity؛ Social Interaction And Mingling؛ The Lover؛ Seeking Protection From Allah؛ Preserving Oneself From Sin؛ Destruction And Damage؛ Empathy؛ Respect؛ Chastity؛ Well-Being؛ Forgiveness And Pardon؛ Outcomes؛ Filial Impiety؛ The Intellect؛ The Intelligent؛ The Cause And The Effects؛ The Celestial Realm؛ Knowledge؛ The Scholar؛ Education And Learning؛ The Student؛ Age And Lifespan؛ Development And Prosperity؛ Delving Deep؛ Actions And Deeds؛ Dealings؛ Blindness And The Blind؛ The Obstinate؛ Descent And Lineage؛ Violence؛ That Which Is Of No Concern؛ The Crooked؛ Habit؛ Resurrection And The Hour؛ The Masses؛ Assistance؛ Seeking Assistance؛ Succor؛ Keeping Promises And Fulfilling Pledges؛ Flaws And Faults؛ Taunting؛ Lifestyle؛ Lowering The Gaze؛ Seeing؛ Helper؛ Inarticulateness؛ Outcome؛ The Enviable؛ The Deceived؛ Imbecility؛ Treachery؛ Delusion؛ Usurpation؛ Anger؛ Seeking Forgiveness؛ Negligence؛ The Negligent؛ The Victor And The Vanquished؛ Fighting؛ Mistake؛ Betrayal؛ Rancor And Perfidy؛ Grief؛ Being Independent Of Others؛ Affluence And The Rich؛ Coming To The Aid Of The Aggrieved؛ Backbiting؛ The Unseen؛ Sense Of Honour And Possessiveness؛ Deviation From The Right Path؛ The Utmost؛ Being Optimistic؛ Unrest؛ The One Who Is Enthralled؛ Chivalry؛ Wickedness And Immorality؛ Obscenity؛ Pride And Boasting؛ Relief And Waiting For Relief؛ Happiness And Joy؛ Fleeing To Allah؛ Opportunity And Its Loss؛ The Obligatory And Recommended Acts؛ Neglect؛ Idleness؛ Separation And Isolation؛ Fabrication Of Lies؛ Corruption؛ Indolence And Lassitude؛ Ignominy؛ Virtues And Vices؛ The Superfluous؛ Astuteness؛ Loss؛ Poverty؛ The Pauper؛ The Learned Scholars؛ Thinking And The Thinker؛ Successfulness؛ Leaving The Matter To Allah؛ Understanding؛ Graves؛ Facing Issues؛ Turning Towards Allah؛ Martyrdom In The Way of Allah؛ Plunging In؛ Power And Might؛ Status And Worth؛ Undertaking؛ To Follow؛ The Qur’an؛ The Near One؛ Attaining Nearness To Allah؛ Admission And Confession Of One’s Sins؛ Lending To Allah؛ Knocking The Door؛ The [Allotted] Share؛ Hard-Heartedness؛ Goals؛ Moderation؛ One Who Is Neglectful And Falls Short؛ Retaliation؛ Divine Decree And Destiny؛ Judges؛ Being Cut Off From Allah؛ Sitting Back؛ Emulation؛ The Heart؛ Little؛ The Least؛ Being Less؛ Qunut (Raising Hands In Supplication)؛ Despair؛ Contentment And The Contented؛ Acquisitions؛ Speech And Speaking؛ Steadfastness؛ Establishing The Command Of Allah؛ The Strong؛ Arrogance؛ The Arrogant One؛ The Book And Writing؛ Secrecy؛ Loquaciousness؛ Amassing [Wealth]؛ Lying؛ The Liar؛ Nobleness And Munificence؛ The Noble -Minded And Munificent؛ High Esteem؛ Noble Traits & Deeds؛ The Disliked؛ Earnings؛ Laziness And The Lazy؛ Revealing & Removing Distress؛ Suppressing Anger؛ Ingratitude؛ The Disbeliever؛ Disbelief؛ Restraint؛ Sufficiency؛ Recompense؛ Competence؛ Duty؛ The Speaker؛ The Ideal One؛ Perfection؛ Plots؛ The Sagacious؛ There Is No God But Allah؛ Vileness؛ The Vile؛ Confusion؛ Milk؛ The Stubborn؛ Stubbornness؛ Importunity؛ Important Events؛ Insults؛ Pleasure And Delight؛ The Tongue؛ Courteousness؛ Vain Talk؛ Meeting؛ Meeting Allah؛ Hinting؛ Reproach, Reprimand And Censure؛ Amusement؛ Night And Day؛ Gentleness And Softness؛ Distinction؛ Tribulations؛ Praise And Extolment؛ The Human Being؛ Magnanimity؛ Sickness؛ Disputation And Argument؛ Joking؛ Walking؛ Delay؛ Scheming؛ The Devising Of Allah؛ The Schemer And Plotter؛ Flattery؛ Kings And Rulers؛ Mālik Al-Ashtar؛ Angels؛ The Slave؛ Disposition؛ One Who Is Fed-Up؛ Irritation؛ The Inaccessible؛ To Put [Others] Under Obligation؛ Death؛ The Dead؛ Wealth And Riches؛ Inclination؛ Nobility And The Noble؛ Attentiveness؛ Prophets, Messengers And Imams؛ Success, Prosperity And Salvation؛ Helping And Seeking Help؛ Secret Conversation؛ Remorse And Regret؛ The Remorseful؛ Warning؛ Dispute؛ The Home؛ Remaining Pure And Free From Sin؛ Outing؛ The Devotee؛ Women؛ Forgetting Allah؛ Sincere Advice؛ Supporting The Truth؛ Supporting Falsehood؛ Seeking Support؛ One Whose Supporter Is Allah؛ Seeking Justice؛ Equity؛ The Equitable؛ The Viewed؛ Being Systematic In Work؛ Blessing؛ Trouble؛ Aversion؛ The Soul And Holding It To Account؛ Giving And Withholding Charity؛ Hypocrisy؛ The Hypocrite؛ Deficiency؛ The Deficient؛ Revenge؛ Divine Wrath؛ The Defaulters, The Iniquitous And The Transgressors؛ Marriages؛ Talebearing؛ People؛ Sleep؛ Deputyship؛ Obtainment؛ Intention؛ Reliance On Allah؛ Attainment؛ Pain؛ Affection And Friendship؛ Piety؛ Financial Support؛ Tattletale؛ Getting Connected To Allah؛ Establishing Ties And Relations؛ Humility؛ Homeland؛ Admonition؛ God-Given Success؛ Agreement؛ Shamelessness And The Shameless؛ Impudence؛ Reverence؛ Precautionary Dissimulation؛ God-Wariness؛ The God-Wary And Godfearing People؛ Putting Trust In Allah؛ The Child؛ The Close Friends And Lovers Of Allah؛ Lethargy؛ The Grant؛ Delusion؛ Suspicion؛ True Guidance From Allah؛ Gifts؛ Idle Talk؛ Joking؛ The Causes Of Downfall And Ruin؛ The Scandal-Monger؛ Endeavours؛ Irresponsibility؛ The Frightful؛ Disdain؛ Vain Desire؛ Dread And Awe؛ Loss Of Hope؛ Orphans؛ Alertness And Vigilance؛ Certitude